Complete this secure, online registration form and submit it immediately with your credit card payment.
Or, if paying by check, please mail a copy of your registration confirmation and your payment within 5 days of submitting registration. Mail your payment to:
1750 K Street NW, Suite 700
ID # 52-1353216
All booths must be registered online to guarantee placement.
(Mandatory information is labeled in red)
Enter to win great door prizes by completing the form in your registration packet.
Exhibit space is limited to 85 booths. Space will be reserved on a first deposit, first reserved basis. The submission of this form, with or without a deposit is not a guarantee of a confirmed reservation. Reservations will be confirmed in writing subject to timely receipt of signed Exhibitor Service Agreement and payment of all rental and registration fees.
No Refunds will be granted. Registration fees are transferrable.
Payment PolicyThe acceptable methods of payment are checks, cashier's checks, money orders or credit card. All payments must be made by August 15, 2023 to be included in the MWCEA Annual Program Directory. All early bird fees must be paid prior to July 31, 2023 or will automatically increase to the regular attendee registration fee.
Cancellation PolicyAll cancellations MUST be submitted in writing (emailed to Telephone requests WILL NOT be honored. Paid registration (attendee or exhibitor) fees will be transferred or credited. The registrant will be held responsible for any unpaid registration fees, regardless if they do not attend the conference.
Please note, any COVID-related (2020 - 2021) prior attendee or exhibitor credits must have been used by September 2022. Any other cancellation credits must be used during the current or following year.